
ThunarxMenuProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional menu items

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#include <thunarx/thunarx.h>

struct              ThunarxMenuProviderIface;
GList *             thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions
                                                        (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                                         GtkWidget *window,
                                                         GList *files);
GList *             thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions
                                                        (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                                         GtkWidget *window,
                                                         ThunarxFileInfo *folder);
GList *             thunarx_menu_provider_get_dnd_actions
                                                        (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                                         GtkWidget *window,
                                                         ThunarxFileInfo *folder,
                                                         GList *files);

Object Hierarchy



ThunarxMenuProvider requires GObject.


The ThunarxMenuProvider interface is implemented by extensions which provide additional menu items that should be displayed in the file or folder context menus for certain types of files.

Extensions that implement this interface should do its best to respond as fast as possible to method invokations by the file manager. That said, when the file manager calls the thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions() or the thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions() method, the implementation in the extension should use only the thunarx_file_info_has_mime_type() and thunarx_file_info_is_directory() methods to determine the actions that should be added to the file manager's context menu. Don't perform any complicated I/O to determine the action list, as that would block the whole file manager process.

The GtkActions returned from the thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions() and thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions() methods must be namespaced with the module to avoid collision with internal file manager actions and actions provided by other extensions. For example, the menu action provided by the ThunarOpenTerminal extension should be called ThunarOpenTerminal::open-terminal.

Example 5. Menu provider example

static void   hello_menu_provider_init (ThunarxMenuProviderIface *iface);
static GList *hello_get_file_actions   (ThunarxMenuProvider      *provider,
                                        GtkWidget                *window,
                                        GList                    *files);
static void
hello_menu_provider_init (ThunarxMenuProviderIface *iface)
  iface->get_file_actions = hello_get_file_actions;
static void
hello_activated (GtkWidget *window)
  GtkWidget *dialog;
  dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (window),
                                   | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,
                                   "Hello World!");
  gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
  gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
static GList*
hello_get_file_actions (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                        GtkWidget           *window,
                        GList               *files)
  GtkAction *action;
  GClosure  *closure;
  action = gtk_action_new ("Hello::say-hello", "Say hello", "Say hello", NULL);
  closure = g_cclosure_object_new_swap (G_CALLBACK (hello_activated), G_OBJECT (window));
  g_signal_connect_closure (G_OBJECT (action), "activate", closure, TRUE);
  return g_list_append (NULL, action);

The above example will add an item Say hello to the file context menus as shown in the picture below:


struct ThunarxMenuProviderIface

struct ThunarxMenuProviderIface {
  GList *(*get_file_actions)    (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                 GtkWidget           *window,
                                 GList               *files);

  GList *(*get_folder_actions)  (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                 GtkWidget           *window,
                                 ThunarxFileInfo     *folder);

  GList *(*get_dnd_actions)     (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                 GtkWidget           *window,
                                 ThunarxFileInfo     *folder,
                                 GList               *files);

Interface with virtual methods implemented by extensions that provide additional menu items for the file manager's context menus.

Providers don't need to implement all of the virtual methods listed in the interface.

get_file_actions ()

See thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions().

get_folder_actions ()

See thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions().

get_dnd_actions ()

See thunarx_menu_provider_get_dnd_actions().


typedef struct _ThunarxMenuProvider ThunarxMenuProvider;

Menu provider type.

thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions ()

GList *             thunarx_menu_provider_get_file_actions
                                                        (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                                         GtkWidget *window,
                                                         GList *files);

Returns the list of GtkActions that provider has to offer for files.

As a special note, this method automatically takes a reference on the provider for every GtkAction object returned from the real implementation of this method in provider. This is to make sure that the extension stays in memory for atleast the time that the actions are used. If the extension wants to stay in memory for a longer time, it'll need to take care of this itself (e.g. by taking an additional reference on the provider itself, that's released at a later time).

The caller is responsible to free the returned list of actions using something like this when no longer needed:

g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
g_list_free (list);

provider :

a ThunarxMenuProvider.

window :

the GtkWindow within which the actions will be used.

files :

the list of ThunarxFileInfos to which the actions will be applied.

Returns :

the list of GtkActions that provider has to offer for files.

thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions ()

GList *             thunarx_menu_provider_get_folder_actions
                                                        (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                                         GtkWidget *window,
                                                         ThunarxFileInfo *folder);

Returns the list of GtkActions that provider has to offer for folder.

As a special note, this method automatically takes a reference on the provider for every GtkAction object returned from the real implementation of this method in provider. This is to make sure that the extension stays in memory for atleast the time that the actions are used. If the extension wants to stay in memory for a longer time, it'll need to take care of this itself (e.g. by taking an additional reference on the provider itself, that's released at a later time).

The caller is responsible to free the returned list of actions using something like this when no longer needed:

g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
g_list_free (list);

provider :

a ThunarxMenuProvider.

window :

the GtkWindow within which the actions will be used.

folder :

the folder to which the actions should will be applied.

Returns :

the list of GtkActions that provider has to offer for folder.

thunarx_menu_provider_get_dnd_actions ()

GList *             thunarx_menu_provider_get_dnd_actions
                                                        (ThunarxMenuProvider *provider,
                                                         GtkWidget *window,
                                                         ThunarxFileInfo *folder,
                                                         GList *files);

Returns the list of GtkActions that provider has to offer for dropping the files into the folder. For example, the thunar-archive-plugin provides Extract Here actions when dropping archive files into a folder that is writable by the user.

As a special note, this method automatically takes a reference on the provider for every GtkAction object returned from the real implementation of this method in provider. This is to make sure that the extension stays in memory for atleast the time that the actions are used. If the extension wants to stay in memory for a longer time, it'll need to take care of this itself (e.g. by taking an additional reference on the provider itself, that's released at a later time).

The caller is responsible to free the returned list of actions using something like this when no longer needed:

g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
g_list_free (list);

provider :

a ThunarxMenuProvider.

window :

the GtkWindow within which the actions will be used.

folder :

the folder into which the files are being dropped

files :

the list of ThunarxFileInfos for the files that are being dropped to folder in window.

Returns :

the list of GtkActions that provider has to offer for dropping files to folder.

Since 0.4.1

See Also

The description of the ThunarxFileInfo interface.