
ThunarxRenamerProvider — The interface to extensions that provide additional bulk renamers


#include <thunarx/thunarx.h>

struct              ThunarxRenamerProviderIface;
GList *             thunarx_renamer_provider_get_renamers
                                                        (ThunarxRenamerProvider *provider);

Object Hierarchy



ThunarxRenamerProvider requires GObject.


The ThunarxRenamerProvider interface is implemented by extensions which provide additional bulk renamers that should be used by the bulk rename dialog in Thunar.



typedef struct _ThunarxRenamerProvider ThunarxRenamerProvider;

Bulk renamer provider type.

struct ThunarxRenamerProviderIface

struct ThunarxRenamerProviderIface {
  GList *(*get_renamers) (ThunarxRenamerProvider *provider);

Interface with virtual methods implemented by extensions that provide additional bulk renamers for the integrated bulk renamer in Thunar.

thunarx_renamer_provider_get_renamers ()

GList *             thunarx_renamer_provider_get_renamers
                                                        (ThunarxRenamerProvider *provider);

Returns the list of ThunarxRenamers provided by the specified provider.

The real implementation of this method MUST return the ThunarxRenamers with floating references (the default for g_object_new() on GtkWidget derived types).

The returned ThunarxRenamers will be reffed and sinked automatically by this function.

As a special note, this method automatically takes a reference on the provider for every ThunarxRenamer returned from the real implementation of this method in provider. This is to make sure that the extension stays in memory for atleast the time that the renamers are used. If the extension wants to stay in memory for a longer time, it'll need to take care of this itself (e.g. by taking an additional reference on the provider itself, that's released at a later time).

The caller is responsible to free the returned list of renamers using something like this when no longer needed:

g_list_foreach (list, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
g_list_free (list);

provider :

a ThunarxRenamerProvider.

Returns :

the list of ThunarxRenamers provided by the specified provider.

See Also

The description of the abstract base class ThunarxRenamer.