Xfconf Library Core

Xfconf Library Core — Init routines and core functionality for libxfconf


gboolean            xfconf_init                         (GError **error);
void                xfconf_shutdown                     (void);
void                xfconf_named_struct_register        (const gchar *struct_name,
                                                         guint n_members,
                                                         const GType *member_types);
void                xfconf_array_free                   (GPtrArray *arr);


Before libxfconf can be used, it must be initialized by calling xfconf_init(). To free resources used by the library, call xfconf_shutdown(). These calls are "recursive": multiple calls to xfconf_init() are allowed, but each call must be matched by a separate call to xfconf_shutdown() to really free the library's resources.


xfconf_init ()

gboolean            xfconf_init                         (GError **error);

Initializes the Xfconf library. Can be called multiple times with no adverse effects.

error :

An error return.

Returns :

TRUE if the library was initialized succesfully, FALSE on error. If there is an error error will be set.

xfconf_shutdown ()

void                xfconf_shutdown                     (void);

Shuts down and frees any resources consumed by the Xfconf library. If xfconf_init() is called multiple times, xfconf_shutdown() must be called an equal number of times to shut down the library.

xfconf_named_struct_register ()

void                xfconf_named_struct_register        (const gchar *struct_name,
                                                         guint n_members,
                                                         const GType *member_types);

Registers a named struct for use with xfconf_channel_get_named_struct() and xfconf_channel_set_named_struct().

struct_name :

The unique name of the struct to register.

n_members :

The number of data members in the struct.

member_types :

An array of the GTypes of the struct members.

xfconf_array_free ()

void                xfconf_array_free                   (GPtrArray *arr);

Properly frees a GPtrArray structure containing a list of GValues. This will also cause the contents of the values to be freed as well.

arr :

A GPtrArray of GValues.