Xfce Generics

Xfce Generics — Generic data types and related functions.


#include <libxfce4util/libxfce4util.h>

#define             XFCE_GENERIC_STACK                  (Type)
#define             xfce_stack_new                      (StackType)
#define             xfce_stack_free                     (stack)
#define             xfce_stack_top                      (stack)
#define             xfce_stack_pop                      (stack)
#define             xfce_stack_push                     (stack,


This module provides generic data types - as known from the C++ standard template library - for the brave C programmer. Since C does not provide any template mechanism, these generics are completely based on C preprocessor macros and the functions offer no type safety at all (though some common mistakes will surely be caught by the C compiler).

Example 2. Using a generic stack

  typedef XFCE_GENERIC_STACK(int) IntStack;
  IntStack *stack = xfce_stack_new (IntStack);
  xfce_stack_push (stack, 0);
  xfce_stack_push (stack, 1);
  printf ("Top is %d\n", xfce_stack_top (stack));
  xfce_stack_pop (stack);
  printf ("Top is %d\n", xfce_stack_top (stack));
  xfce_stack_free (stack);



#define             XFCE_GENERIC_STACK(Type)

This macro is used to create a new stack data type which elements are of Type. For example, to create a stack type that handles elements of type double, you'd write the following

typedef XFCE_GENERIC_STACK(double) MyDoubleStack;

and furtheron refer to your stack type as MyDoubleStack.

Type :

Data type of the elements that should be handled by the stack. Can be any valid data type from simple int's to complex structures.


#define             xfce_stack_new(StackType)

Creates a new instance of StackType and returns a pointer to the newly created instance. For example, imagine you declared a type MyDoubleStack as shown above, you can instantiate this type with

MyDoubleStack *my_stack = xfce_stack_new (MyDoubleStack);

StackType :

Type of stack declared with XFCE_GENERIC_STACK.


#define             xfce_stack_free(stack)

Frees a stack, that was allocated using xfce_stack_new.

stack :

A stack object.


#define             xfce_stack_top(stack)

Returns the top element from stack. Note that this function does not pop the top element, it just returns it.


#define             xfce_stack_pop(stack)

Removes the top element from stack.


#define             xfce_stack_push(stack, value)

Pushes a new value on top of stack.