File Utilities

File Utilities — miscellaneous file-related utility functions.


#include <libxfce4util/libxfce4util.h>

gboolean            xfce_mkdirhier                      (const gchar *whole_path,
                                                         gulong mode,
                                                         GError **error);



xfce_mkdirhier ()

gboolean            xfce_mkdirhier                      (const gchar *whole_path,
                                                         gulong mode,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates the specified directory whole_path, but unlike the mkdir() function from the standard C library, if any of the parent directories of the whole_path do not exists, they are created as well.

If the directory specified by whole_path already exists, this function performs no operation and simply returns TRUE.

whole_path :

path to the directory to create.

error :

location where to store GError object to, error are returned in the G_FILE_ERROR domain.

Returns :

TRUE on success, else FALSE.

Since 4.2

See Also

GLib File Utilities