Convenience Functions

Convenience Functions — Special purpose widgets and utilities


#include <libxfce4panel/libxfce4panel.h>

GtkWidget *         xfce_panel_create_button            (void);
GtkWidget *         xfce_panel_create_toggle_button     (void);
const gchar *       xfce_panel_get_channel_name         (void);
GdkPixbuf *         xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source       (const gchar *source,
                                                         GtkIconTheme *icon_theme,
                                                         gint size);
GdkPixbuf *         xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source_at_size
                                                        (const gchar *source,
                                                         GtkIconTheme *icon_theme,
                                                         gint dest_width,
                                                         gint dest_height);
#define             xfce_allow_panel_customization
#define             xfce_create_panel_button
#define             xfce_create_panel_toggle_button


This section describes a number of functions that were created to help developers of Xfce Panel plugins.


xfce_panel_create_button ()

GtkWidget *         xfce_panel_create_button            (void);

Create regular GtkButton with a few properties set to be useful in the Xfce panel: Flat (GTK_RELIEF_NONE), no focus on click and minimal padding.

Returns :

newly created GtkButton.

xfce_panel_create_toggle_button ()

GtkWidget *         xfce_panel_create_toggle_button     (void);

Create regular GtkToggleButton with a few properties set to be useful in Xfce panel: Flat (GTK_RELIEF_NONE), no focus on click and minimal padding.

Returns :

newly created GtkToggleButton.

xfce_panel_get_channel_name ()

const gchar *       xfce_panel_get_channel_name         (void);

Function for the name of the Xfconf channel used by the panel. By default this returns "xfce4-panel", but you can override this value with the environment variable XFCE_PANEL_CHANNEL_NAME.

Returns :

name of the Xfconf channel See also: XFCE_PANEL_CHANNEL_NAME, xfce_panel_plugin_xfconf_channel_new and xfce_panel_plugin_get_property_base

Since 4.8

xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source ()

GdkPixbuf *         xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source       (const gchar *source,
                                                         GtkIconTheme *icon_theme,
                                                         gint size);

See xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source_at_size

source :

string that contains the location of an icon

icon_theme :

icon theme or NULL to use the default icon theme

size :

size the icon that should be loaded

Returns :

a GdkPixbuf or NULL if nothing was found. The value should be released with g_object_unref when no longer used. See also: XfcePanelImage

Since 4.8

xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source_at_size ()

GdkPixbuf *         xfce_panel_pixbuf_from_source_at_size
                                                        (const gchar *source,
                                                         GtkIconTheme *icon_theme,
                                                         gint dest_width,
                                                         gint dest_height);

Try to load a pixbuf from a source string. The source could be an abolute path, an icon name or a filename that points to a file in the pixmaps directory.

This function is particularly usefull for loading names from the Icon key of desktop files.

The pixbuf is never bigger than dest_width and dest_height. If it is when loaded from the disk, the pixbuf is scaled preserving the aspect ratio.

source :

string that contains the location of an icon

icon_theme :

icon theme or NULL to use the default icon theme

dest_width :

the maximum returned width of the GdkPixbuf

dest_height :

the maximum returned height of the GdkPixbuf

Returns :

a GdkPixbuf or NULL if nothing was found. The value should be released with g_object_unref when no longer used. See also: XfcePanelImage

Since 4.10


#define xfce_allow_panel_customization  (FALSE)


xfce_allow_panel_customization has been deprecated since version 4.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Look at xfce_panel_plugin_get_locked().

Always returns FALSE. Plugins can be locked on a plugin basis level in the future, so this function is useless.


#define xfce_create_panel_button xfce_panel_create_button


xfce_create_panel_button has been deprecated since version 4.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use xfce_panel_create_button() instead.

See xfce_panel_create_button() for more information.


#define xfce_create_panel_toggle_button xfce_panel_create_toggle_button


xfce_create_panel_toggle_button has been deprecated since version 4.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Use xfce_panel_create_toggle_button() instead.

See xfce_panel_create_toggle_button() for more information.