
ExoSimpleJob — Simple interface to execute functions asynchronously


#include <exo/exo.h>

gboolean            (*ExoSimpleJobFunc)                 (ExoJob *job,
                                                         GValueArray *param_values,
                                                         GError **error);
ExoJob *            exo_simple_job_launch               (ExoSimpleJobFunc func,
                                                         guint n_param_values,

Object Hierarchy



ExoSimpleJob can be used to execute functions asynchronously in an ExoJob wrapper object. It is easier to use than the GThread system and provides basic signals to follow the progress of an operation.



typedef struct _ExoSimpleJob ExoSimpleJob;

The ExoSimpleJob struct contains only private fields and should not be directly accessed.

ExoSimpleJobFunc ()

gboolean            (*ExoSimpleJobFunc)                 (ExoJob *job,
                                                         GValueArray *param_values,
                                                         GError **error);

Used by the ExoSimpleJob to process the job. See exo_simple_job_launch() for further details.

job :

an ExoJob.

param_values :

a GValueArray of the GValues passed to exo_simple_job_launch().

error :

return location for errors.

Returns :

TRUE on success, FALSE in case of an error.

exo_simple_job_launch ()

ExoJob *            exo_simple_job_launch               (ExoSimpleJobFunc func,
                                                         guint n_param_values,

Allocates a new ExoJob which executes the specified func with the specified parameters.

An example could be:

static gboolean
list_directory (ExoJob      *job,
                GValueArray *param_values,
                GError     **error)
  GFileEnumerator *enumerator;
  GFileInfo       *info;
  GError          *err = NULL;
  GFile           *directory;

  if (exo_job_set_error_if_cancelled (EXO_JOB (job), error))
    return FALSE;

  directory = g_value_get_object (g_value_array_get_nth (param_values, 0));

  enumerator = g_file_enumerate_children (directory,
                                          exo_job_get_cancellable (job),

  if (err != NULL)
      g_propagate_error (error, err);
      return FALSE;

  while (TRUE)
      info = g_file_enumerator_next_file (enumerator,
                                          exo_job_get_cancellable (job),

      if (info == NULL)

      exo_job_info_message (job, _("Child: %s"),
                            g_file_info_get_display_name (info));

      g_object_unref (info);

  g_object_unref (enumerator);

  if (err != NULL)
      g_propagate_error (error, err);
      return FALSE;
      return TRUE;


GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path ("/home/user");
ExoJob *job = exo_simple_job_launch (list_directory, 1, G_TYPE_FILE, file);
g_signal_connect (job, "info-message", G_CALLBACK (update_some_widget), widget);
g_signal_connect (job, "finished", G_CALLBACK (unref_the_job_object), NULL);

The caller is responsible to release the returned ExoJob object using g_object_unref() when no longer needed.

func :

the ExoSimpleJobFunc to execute the job.

n_param_values :

the number of parameters to pass to the func.

... :

a list of GType and parameter pairs (exactly n_param_values pairs) that are passed to func.

Returns :

the launched ExoJob.

See Also
